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Obtaining a permanent residence permit in Uzbekistan of persons arriving from other countries

List of foreign citizens and stateless persons who have arrived from other countries and are entitled to permanent residence in the Republic of Karakalpakstan and regions (except Tashkent region)

Citizens of foreign States and stateless persons, who have houses acquired (purchased) in accordance with the law — to those houses

Relatives - on the living premises of relatives in a straight line in the first and second degrees of relationship, constantly registered until 30.08.2018.

Husband (wife) to the living premises where the spouse has permanent registration, provided that they lived together for not less than 5 years.

Wards – to residential area where the guardian (trustee) has permanent registration.

Minor blood brothers and sisters who do not have parents — on a living premises where their blood brothers or sisters are permanently registered.

Specialists who are  invited to work in state organizations of national importance, at the request of the head of the relevant organization, as well as members of their families (husband, wife, and their children who do not have their families) — for the period of stay of these persons in position.

Citizens of foreign States and stateless persons born or previously permanently registered in the territory of Uzbekistan — upon return to the Republic of Karakalpakstan and the region (except Tashkent region) for permanent residence.

List of the foreign citizens and stateless persons who have the right to obtain permanent residence in the city of Tashkent and Tashkent region

Citizens of foreign States and stateless persons, who have houses acquired (purchased) in accordance with the law — to those houses

Relatives* - to the living area of relatives in a straight line in the first and second degrees of relationship, permanently registered until February 16, 2012.

*In this case, the relatives of these persons are not entitled to permanent residence (except for the spouse, adult children who do not have their families, and minor children from the joint and/or previous marriage of spouses or born out of wedlock, as well as adopted children).

Husband (wife) to the living premises where the spouse has permanent registration, provided that they lived together for not less than 5 years.

*In this case, the relatives of these persons are not entitled to permanent residence (except for the spouse, adult children who do not have their families, and minor children from the joint and/or previous marriage of spouses or born out of wedlock, as well as adopted children).

Wards* – to residential area where the guardian (trustee) has permanent registration.

* In this case, the relatives of these persons are not entitled to permanent residence (except for the spouse, adult children who do not have their families, and minor children from the joint and/or previous marriage of spouses or born out of wedlock, as well as adopted children).

Minor blood brothers and sisters who do not have parents — on a living premises where their blood brothers or sisters are permanently registered.

Specialists who are  invited to work in state organizations of national importance, at the request of the head of the relevant organization, as well as members of their families (husband, wife, and their children who do not have their families) — for the period of stay of these persons in position.

* In this case, the relatives of these persons are not entitled to permanent residence (except for the spouse, adult children who do not have their families, and minor children from the joint and/or previous marriage of spouses or born out of wedlock, as well as adopted children).

Authorized body

The bodies of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, in particular the Migration and Citizenship Units of district (city) Departments of Internal Affairs  at the place of temporary residence permit

List of documents required for submission to obtain a permanent residence
  • application form in 2 copies;
  • passport of a foreign citizen or travel document of a stateless person;
  • application of the houseowner on the provision of a living space;
  • original documents of accommodation (housing) (copies are taken, originals are returned);
  • documents on marriage, birth of a child, death of parents, as well as documents confirming guardianship or guardianship (copies are taken, originals are returned);
  • the petition of the head of the relevant body of the state organization of republican value (at registration according to point 6 of the List);
  • receipt of payment of the fee for consideration and registration of documents;
  • two photos of 35 x 45 mm.


For issuing or extending a permanent residence permit

  • 20% of the minimum wage

For issue of the lost residence permit in exchange

  • 50 per cent of the minimum wage

Term of consideration: from 2 to 5 months

Decision of the relevant competent authority on the authorization or refusal of permanent residence

When deciding on a permanent residence permit, a residence permit is issued in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Period of validity of the residence permit

For foreigners

  • for 5 years, but not more than the period of validity of the national passport
  • upon reaching the person  of age 60 – for the validity period of the national passport.

For stateless person

  • for 5 years,
  • upon reaching the age of 60 - permanent.

Extension of the validity period of the residence permit

Is done up to 5 times to the period established, after which its change is done.

Residence permit upon purchase of real estate

For citizens of certain countries a residence  permit is provided on a condition of  a purchase of real estate in:

  • Tashkent region and Tashkent city for the sum of in the equivalent not less than 400 000 USD;
  • Samarkand, Bukhara, Namangan, Andijan, Ferghana and Khorezm regions– in the equivalent not less than 200 000 USD;
  • the Republic of Karakalpakstan and other regions of the republic– in the equivalent not less than 100 000 USD.

List of countries you can find here.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons arriving from foreign countries may be denied of permanent residence in Uzbekistan in following cases:
  • in the interests of national security or public order;
  • if a criminal record of the person is not withdrawn;
  • if a person is involved in terrorist, extremist, criminal and other prohibited organizations;
  • if a person has intentionally provided false information about himself and his close relatives or submitted false documents;
  • if at the stage of consideration of documents the owner of the property is refused to provide living space for permanent residence.

When refused to issue a permanent residence, a foreign citizen or stateless person may temporarily stay in the country in the case of:
  • availability of housing purchased in accordance with the legislation;
  • availability of close relatives;
  • availability of guardians (Trustees);
  •  employment;
  • education in educational institutions;
  • treatment in hospitals.

If they do not have grounds for temporary stay in the country, they must leave the territory of Uzbekistan within the time limits set for them.


Obtaining a permanent residence registration for persons with a residence permit in Uzbekistan upon arrival from other regions of the country.

Foreign citizens and stateless persons with a residence permit in Uzbekistan can obtain a permit for permanent registration in a particular region of the republic.

Authorized body

The bodies of Internal Affairs of Uzbekistan, in particular the Department of Migration and Citizenship district (city) units of Internal Affairs.

List of documents required for submission
  • application form in 2 copies;
  • residence permit;
  • original documents for housing (copies are taken, originals are returned);
  • application of a houseowner on the provision of a living space;
  • documents on marriage, birth of a child, death of parents, as well as documents confirming guardianship or guardianship (copies are taken, originals are returned);
  • the petition of the head of the relevant body of the state organization of state value (at registration according to point 6 of the List);
  • receipt of payment of the fee for consideration and registration of documents;
  • two photos of 35 x 45 mm

Payment - 2 % of the minimum monthly wage

Time period of consideration: up to 1 (one) month

Decision of the relevant competent authority on authorization or refusal of permanent registration

1. Permanent registration at the chosen place of  residence is issued in the case of a decision to permit permanent registration.

2. In case of a decision on refusal of permanent registration, the applicant, in the absence of grounds for further stay, is obliged within3 (three) days after notification of refusal to leave the territory of the region.

**Nevertheless, a foreign citizen or a stateless person who has been refused a permanent registration permit may temporarily stay in the region in case of:

  • availability of a  house purchased (acquired) in accordance with the legislation;
  • presence of close relatives;
  •  presence of guardians (Trustees);
  • employment;
  • education in educational institutions;
  • treatment in hospitals.
